It's been awhile since I posted, I apologize, school has been very busy. I spent the last three weeks in a long term care facility learning about their food service and administration. I had a chance to review the menu and even survey some Elders for suggestions to change it. I think there are times when we all need to take a look at our menus. You might not have a written menu, but it is possible that you have a few meals you tend to rotate through the line-up.
When planning your menu, try to add variety, it not only makes eating exciting, but also helps ensure you get all the nutrients you need for your health. A good place to start is to look at Canada's Food Guide. You can use the recommended servings as a guideline, but it is good to see the proportions. Aim to have half of your plate full of vegetables, a quarter with a grain (preferably whole grain), and a quarter with a protein source (preferably low fat). This is a good idea for planning your lunches and suppers. You can complete that meal with a glass of milk and a piece of fruit. The idea is to get more vegetables, usually our plates are full of the grains and proteins!
Steph Wheler