Tuesday, August 23, 2011

School Smarts - Breakfast & Lunch

Heading back to school may mean your family is rushing in the morning, but it may also mean that lunch needs to be packed and eaten at school.

To continue to develop healthy eating habits in your family take the time to plan and prepare for the school and work week. Make sure the entire family eats breakfast and that healthy options are stocked in the fridge, freezer, and pantry.

Breakfast is important for starting your day and providing the fuel your body and mind require. Choose 3 of the 4 food groups to help meet your daily nutrient requirements. Eating breakfast also promotes a healthy weight and helps people concentrate at school or work.

Lunch is key to get the fuel you need for the afternoon. If your child isn't eating what you pack for them, try involving them in the process so that they can choose what's going in their lunch bag (you can provide the healthy choices they pick from). The dietitians at EatRight Ontario also suggest having your child make a list of their favourite foods from each food group so that you can create your grocery list. Similarly to breakfast, you should aim for at least 3 (if not all 4) of the food groups for a healthy, well balanced lunch.

Steph Wheler, RD
something nutrishus counselling & coaching