In the Spring of 2012 Dietitians of Canada conducted an Ipsos Reid poll and more than 2000 adults across Canada were surveyed online about their grocery shopping habits and they told us that:
- 63% of Canadians struggle with making healthier food choices in the grocery store at least half the time they shop; more than one third struggle at least 75% of the time.
- 37% plan meals in advance.
- 67% of Canadians prepare a grocery list before going shopping for food; that is they always or very often write a list.
- 52% of Canadians always or very often read the nutrition label on a food before purchasing. Only 11% rarely or never read labels.
- 58% of Canadians report that they always or very often cook a balanced meal for themselves or their family.
- Dietitians of Canada Cook! (which I still have a few copies of - let me know if you're interested...)
- Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution
- Janet and Greta Podleski's Looney Spoons
- Dietitians of Canada Simply Great Food
- and of course the internet (and Pinterest!)
I haven't asked you a question in awhile, so here it is:
What is your favourite cookbook or recipe source?
Happy eating!
Steph Langdon, RD
something nutrishus counselling & coaching