Friday, June 21, 2013

Start asking why

Perhaps you end up answering why all the time, especially if you have a curious youngster in your life (why? why? why? why?).  It can seem like a never ending game, but they're intrigued, they're learning new information and we can learn a lot from them.

Last night I attended the Lululemon Saskatoon Sultry Summer Solstice Soiree taught by Joos Yoga's very own Jan Henrikson.  She started the evening class by asking us to think about our intention, or who we were dedicating our practice to.  For this, she asked "why do you get up in the morning?"  It may be a person, a pet, an activity, a job, a day off, etc. - whatever or whoever it is, she asked us to stop asking what and start asking why.  I liked this because she brought mindfulness to the practice, and those who know me, know that mindful eating is something I often speak or write about.  The whole idea of being in the present and making a conscious decision is very important to our health.

These days there are so many distractions, and I know many clients end up multitasking and working through lunch, or eating in the car - they're aren't finding time for a mindful meal (whatever they're choosing to eat).  We eat for so many reasons (not just hunger), but we've lost the family meal, we've forgotten to pass cooking skills on to the younger generations, we've put our health too low on the priority list.

Jan mentioned her children and her desire to get up each day and be the best version of herself, for them.  I love that, I am totally a believer in self development and my competitive spirit drives me to be a better version of myself everyday (and help you do the same).

For me, that means feeding myself nourishing foods, finding time to be active (even if it's just walking my dog), spending time outdoors, taking a moment to unplug and just be with my thoughts, and taking time to continue to educate myself.

Throughout the practice, she kept reminding us to think of our 'why'.  She also talked about leaving the past behind, which I think is very important when we're talking about emotional health.  Even thinking about nutrition and diets - forget what you've struggled with, move forward and be the best you that you can be.

Too often we compare ourselves to an unrealistic ideal.  I will continue to be me, and that's just who I am.  We can only know our own 'why' which is also important to remember when someone cuts you off in traffic or is rude to you at the check-out - you don't know their story, so don't try to create it.  Focus on you and making your health more of a priority.

Have a great weekend!
Steph Langdon, RD
something nutrishus counselling & coaching