Friday, November 22, 2013

Green is the colour...

Whether you've just jumped on the band wagon, have been a fan all year, or just enjoy tuning in for the grey cup - there is sure to be some sitting and snacking this Sunday.  Don't let it be an excuse; turn it into an opportunity.  Think of the example you're setting for young sports fans and the health goal(s) you're working on.  It's a unique situation because we watch these great athletes fight to be the champion, but often as an armchair coach.  With kick off around supper time, be sure to fit in a quality breakfast, lunch, and some exercise before you settle in for the evening.

True to form, I think of holidays or special occasions and what the food theme can be. Rather than chips and dip, pizza, chicken wings, nachos, etc. why not challenge yourself to a green theme? Depending on the spirit in your workplace you might have had a Rider pride day this week already and perhaps you've already been thinking about healthy green foods (good for you!).

Put on that thinking cap and get green:

  • guacamole with veggies or whole wheat pitas (you can crisp them up in the oven)
  • veggies (celery, broccoli, green peppers, snap peas, cucumber) and a greek yogurt dip or cottage cheese
  • fruit (honey dew melon, kiwi, green grapes, granny smith apples) and part skim mozzarella cheese
  • roasted or steamed edamame
  • green smoothies
  • spinach salad
  • feta and spinach frittata
  • kale chips
  • lentil potato spinach soup
What are you serving on grey cup Sunday?

Go Riders!
Steph Langdon, RD
something nutrishus counselling & coaching