Monday, April 20, 2015

Tortilla Egg Cups {ReDux}

I didn't find time for last month's Cook Once, Eat Twice recipe challenge, oddly enough we made what I was planning one evening a little later. I was thinking leftover baked potatoes as a type of one-pot hash or a scramble, which my husband made one night since it's such a quick meal to throw together. Since I now have a five month old on my hands, things that are quick or make leftovers are still key. I was also working on a few recipes for an upcoming young athlete demo when I came up with this one.I get my chance to blog and create in the kitchen once the little one goes to bed at night, since I don't want to miss out on spending any time with her!
Our April challenge/theme was Spring cleaning: Go through your pantry, cupboards, freezer, or fridge; what ‘treasures’ have you found? Pick an ingredient/spice/condiment that’s been hanging out for a while and give it the attention it needs. Share a healthy recipe made using your new-found pantry prize.
I came across dry mustard which I rarely use, I'm not even sure what recipe I would have originally bought it for. The prep is fairly minimal and if you prep a lot of veggies while making this, then you're set for your busy week - for pastas, salads, stirfries, etc. It's also a great recipe for satisfying differing tastes as you can make a variety of combinations.
Tortilla Egg Cups
Makes 12 cups

3 large whole wheat tortillas (9-10" diameter)
2 Tbsp green onion,diced
3 Tbsp red pepper, diced
3 Tbsp mushrooms, diced
1/3 cup arugula, chopped
1/3 cup ham, roughly chopped
6 eggs
1/2 cup cottage cheese
1/2-1 tsp dry mustard
 dash of pepper

1. Preheat oven to 375F.
2. Cut tortillas into quarters with a pizza cutter or knife (I checked out theyummylife for tips on making tortilla cups). Place in muffin tin (no need to grease it)
3. Wash and chop veggies.
4. Whisk eggs, cottage cheese, mustard, and pepper in a medium bowl. Stir in veggies and ham.
5. Divide egg mixture evenly into 12 cups and bake for 20-25 minutes until set. Let stand for 5 minutes and serve.
What treasure(s) have you found in your kitchen?

See other dietitian recipes below: