Sunday, April 17, 2016

Time for what?

Time has been on my mind a lot the last month. I am still trying to sort out my role as a working/stay-at-home mom (17 months in, as of today). The past 17 months have gone by as fast as everyone said they would. I am fortunate that I have been around for many/most of our little one's cherished moments. I am fortunate, because I am self-employed and my husband and I have prioritized spending as much time with our daughter as we can. Everyone has different goals, priorities, challenges, etc. in how they live and of course in how they act in the roles of parenthood.

Recently, in my attempts to minimize clutter in our house I came across an old goal setting exercise that we had done (or that I had made us do!). The recurring theme for me was time. A few of my goals for things I 'wanted' were:

  • time for me
  • time with my husband
  • time with my kids
  • time to read, watch movies, and workout
  • freedom with my time
  • to set my own hours (which obviously relates to time)
  • to retire early (also relates to time)

*One of the goals for things I 'didn't want' was: to be overwhelmed with my time.
Our time is limited and we don't know when it will end. This of course brings me to mindfulness and I constantly try to live in and enjoy my present situation. I get ahead of myself too often or I think of others things I 'should' be doing. I have also tried to minimize things so that I can free up my time for other things.

Perhaps time is also on my mind because I'm approaching a birthday. I have no problem getting older, it's part of life after all, and I think I improve with age (or I at least try to be better every day). I just found (or made) time to jot down this post. I've mainly been sharing my #WhatRDsDo series which I'm really excited about, and life has been keeping me busy. I am however not going to apologize for my absence from personal posts. Life does and should happen. I am a rare millennial that is trying to unplug, to be present offline. I enjoy social media and I also work in that space, but I don't want to miss out on my life.
I have plans to get you to reflect on how you're spending (or if you're wasting) your time, how you maximize your time, how you'd like to spend your time, what you've learned that has improved you with time, etc.

My blogging time for today is over, so I hope you had a good time reading and I hope you come back to share.

Have a good time! ("we're here for a good time, not a long time!" - Trooper)

Steph Langdon, RD