Friday, October 7, 2011

Give Thanks, Not Guilt

The holidays can be a source of temptation.  Whether it is sweets, snack foods, alcohol, or a special holiday feast - there can be many challenges on a holiday long weekend.  Prepare yourself for the challenges so that you can stay on track and continue to progress towards your nutrition goals. 

A few tips to help you out:
  • Continue to eat at your regular meal times, and enjoy healthy snacks - if you let yourself get too hungry you are more likely to over-indulge in the less healthy treats
  • Enjoy the company of your friends and family, but take it away from the kitchen - enjoy a brisk Fall walk, play board games, etc.
  • Survey the choices at your Thanksgiving meal and then take moderate amounts of your favourite foods
  • Don't overdo it on dips, sauces and dressings
  • Slow down and enjoy the meal and all the wonderful flavours
You don't have to deprive yourself, but you don't have to try every appetizer, every dessert, etc.  Enjoy the holiday spirit, but continue to practice portion control along with VARIETY, MODERATION, and BALANCE.

If you're the host/hostess you have more control over the food offerings and can ensure that healthy choices are available.  If you're a guest, take the time to eat something healthy before you arrive so that you're starting off on the right foot.  Occasional indulgences happen in life, the key is to not over-indulge, and to get right back on a normal routine tomorrow.

Happy Turkey Day!

Steph Wheler, RD
something nutrishus counselling & coaching