Monday, March 10, 2014

Courage & Change - A Reflection

Last week I attended a local screening of LUNAFest - short films by, for, about Women.  Our local theatre was full of women of all shapes, sizes, and ages - it was so great to see! Since Saturday was international women's day, it was fabulous to be in a room full of women celebrating women. 

The event consisted of 9 short films, all of which had great messaging and emotion coming through. A few of them stood out a bit more or spoke to me on a deeper level.

Granny's Got Game - having been an athlete most of my life and knowing senior/master level athletes, this one hit home because I loved seeing how competitive these women still were in their 70's and the camaraderie that they enjoyed with their teammates. It was also great to see that they were still quite active and loving the game; the all had their own challenges, but spoke of the time together as some of the best in their life.    

Flying Anne - a young girl with Tourette's syndrome and her struggle to manage tics, fit in, and explain herself to her classmates. It was quite touching when she said she wouldn't give up her Tourette's if she could, because it's part of who she is - to be so young and so courageous is amazing to me.

First Match - another sport filmed, but this time focused on a female wrestler in her first co-ed match. She was a great athlete and had to deal with her peers and her father's opinion about wrestling with the boys; that definitely took a lot of courage, but she stayed true to who she was.

I enjoyed all of the films, and the writers/directors each had a very unique approach to share their message. I just kept thinking of how women worry so much about what other's think, spend many hours (and their money) caring for other people (even strangers), and how we all have our own struggle, but it's only a struggle if we see it that way.

This year the theme for international women's day also fits with my interests: Inspiring Change.  The focus was on advancement of women, equality, and challenging the status quo. I work with clients on small changes they can make for their health and wellness, but on a large scale there is still so much to do around the globe to ensure that women get the opportunities they deserve. A change I would like to see is a change in how women view themselves - whether it be their skills, their looks, or their self-worth. I see so many women that are hard on themselves or trying to live up to someone else's ideals.

I continue to work at not comparing myself to others (that athlete competitiveness is always there!), and work daily to be the best me that I can be. I hope you can find inspiration to be courageous, be authentic, and be the best you!

Celebrate the women in your life everyday!
See quotes that inspire me on my Pinterest page.

Steph Langdon, RD
something nutrishus counselling & coaching