Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy New Year - 2012 Q's Day

I've been enjoying a bit of a holiday over the last week, but I'm glad to be back and I already have plans for some upcoming blog posts.  Since it is the first Tuesday of 2012 we are having the first Q's Day of 2012.

A new year often means new resolutions for many people.  I prefer to have clients focus on goals, and as you know I focus on long term health with my clients.  I mention this because often a "resolution" comes with immediate dedication, but falls away quickly.  Today I'll share some tips to stick to your resolution/goal, but I want to know...

What is your resolution/goal for 2012?
When it comes to goals, think SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely) 

            Specific – what do I want to do? 
            Measurable – how much and how often will I do it?     
            Attainable – how will I do it?  
            Realistic – can I do it?   
            Timely – when will I do it?

Keep it small and simple (for example switch from 2% to 1% or skim milk, or pack and take lunch to work 3 days this week).  Look at unhealthy behaviours that you can change - this will lead to long term success (for example no more eating while watching TV or sitting at the computer).  Share your goal(s) with someone so that you are accountable to them and post your goal(s) where you will see them daily.  Plan a reward (non-food related) for when you succeed and then set another goal.  Many small goals lead to long term success.

Happy goal setting...
Steph Wheler, RD
something nutrishus counselling & coaching